The Grass Dinosaurs are focused in the healing thing. Like, the [Nursery] by Parasaurolophus. This is great to have her in play, because each time you end your turn, each of your other Dinosaurs in play gains +1 HP! If it's used against offensive opponents with the good matching Moves, Grass Dinosaurs would certainly kick some butt.

Yet, that's not everything a Grass could do. The [Aid], like in Lambeosaurus or [Hospitalize] like in Tsintaosaurus could also help. [Aid] works when you summon the Dinosaur. But yet, it gave +2 HP boost to one of your other Dinosaur in play! While [Hospitalize] works after it battles. Then you can choose one of your other Dinosaur in play to be hospitalized and can't battle for a turn -- but it gained +2 HP!

These boosts are not available in any other Elements, which made Grass an exclusive Element. But still, each Element has their own specialty, so maybe you don't like Grass but you want another....
It's okay!
There are 6 Elements free open for you! Now it's just about how you'll make your move and be the Dinosaur King!
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